The Numbers

How much can 1 acre grow or produce?

Here it is...

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

To start with we are going to cover the worst of what to expect... 

Not the best because we do not want false expectations to be had.

  • The first year will cost you the most because of start up costs.  Prepare to hopefully break even the first year, and not to profit.

  • Ideally - the second year will be less - due to already paying for the start up costs.

  • Make sure to purchase seeds from reliable companies, and ask them how long they have been breeding that specific strain.  If it has been less than 3 years do not trust them to buy your seeds from them.

  • If buying feminized Seeds, which is what is reccomended, make sure to ask them how long they have been creating feminized seeds? and what is the method they use?  If they are using males to get the feminized seeds at all, do not buy them, because they are going to be regular seeds, and you will have males to deal with.  If they are using stressed females, then  do not buy them, because you will have hermaphrodites to deal with.

  • If you buy regular seeds, and even if you have feminized seeds you need to walk your garden daily looking for males to ensure your crop is the best it can be. Pull any plants that are males by putting a trash bag over the top of the plant carefully, covering it entirely, and then pulling the plant, and throwing it away. Shower, and change clothes.  You do not want pollen to spread!

  • Walk your garden daily! Look for signs of problems.  This could be many things such as mold problems, bug problems, root rot, etc.  Call us if you are concerned.  we can help figure it out, and try to fix the problem for free before it is takes down your crop!  That is what we are here for.  We are only as successful as our farmers.  We know what we are talking about and will help.

Start off with preparing for the loss of your entire crop!

What are you going to do if that happens, and plan for that! 

Then anything above that is good. 




As long as all of the rest of the growing season is good

the math per acre is...

This first depends on the market value of the hemp!


2019 was $3/CBD%point

2020 is currently $1/CBD%point

8% CBD = 8 CBD percentage points = 


10% CBD = 10 CBD percentage points = 


12% CBD = 12 CBD percentage points = 



Cannabis Flower/Acre

This next depends on how far apart your plants are when you plant them, and if you top them.  

This will effect how large each plant will be able to grow, and how many flowers(buds) can grow on each plant.

This math below is based on 8%CBD hemp flower for $1/CBD% point (2020 prices) so there is  no overly high expectations. Better to expect less, and then be happy if there is more than these numbers.

30 inch spacing

2500 plants

The farmer should expect around 1/4 pound per plant = 

625 pounds/acre

625 x $8/pound = $5,000

50 - 60 inch spacing

1500 plants

You should expect around 1 pound per plant = 1500 pounds/acre

1500 x $8/pound = $12,000


Cannabis Flower Biomass to Oil/Acre

(this will be higher than below prices, depending on CBD%, what it is processed into, and quality of flower)

We ran prices at $1,000/Liter, according to 2020 prices for Full Spectrum Oil

500lbs -Approximately 28-32 Liters oil

  Minimum of $1,000/Liter

Would bring in $28,000 - $32,000

Split 50/50 = $14,000 - $16,000


1500lbs - approximately 54 -66 Liters of Oil

Minimum $1,000/Liter

Would bring in $54,000 - $66,000

Split 50/50 = $27,000 - $33,000


With Sunset Ranch Extractions and Farmer each having their own outgoing expenses.